Find Out If Your Website Has
WordPress Vulnerabilities

Is WordPress CMS Vulnerable?


WordPress is one of the most popular CMS (Content Management System) options on the Internet these days.

Around 33% of websites are made with WordPress.

Even if WordPress is known for being a secure CMS, sometimes hackers do find vulnerabilities. Most site owners don’t know that the biggest risk comes from the installed plugins and themes. You obviously need to be careful with them, as plugin vulnerabilities represented 55.9% of the known entry points reported by respondents.

One way to protect your website is to hide the WordPress common paths.

What’s usually meant by “hiding WordPress” is that you’re attempting to obscure the fact that your site runs on WordPress from any person or bot that attempts to identify the CMS.

By hiding WordPress, you don’t physically change the paths of the CMS. Basically, the known paths from WordPress are virtually renamed and this will protect the real ones.

WordPress Total Attacks Stats

Is Hiding Your WordPress a Solution?


Yes, it is.

The majority of hacking attempts are made by bots, and you may be able to prevent hacker bots by hiding your WordPress paths: wp-contentwp-includepluginsthemes, etc.

Just by changing the main paths, you may be able to protect your website against things like brute-force attacksSQL-injection, and requests to your PHP files.

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