
12 Best WordPress Security Check Tool List To Find Vulnerabilities

Do you own a WordPress site?

If yes, then securing your website from cyber-attacks should be your top priority.

Creating a WordPress site for your business is not a very difficult thing to do and it can significantly improve your business.

However, having a website means you are prone to the several cyber vulnerabilities out there. Hence, the need for you to have a WordPress website security.


Why is WordPress Security Important?

Undoubtedly, nobody likes to be bothered by website and information security issues. With the evolution of technology, keeping your website safe is becoming a more difficult task. Hackers are always looking for websites with vulnerable security to exploit. The latest WordPress software offers the most security fixes. However, using an up-to-date version of WordPress doesn’t mean your website is safe from hackers. There are several other WordPress vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

According to a recent report by, of the 3,972 known WordPress security vulnerabilities: 52% are from WordPress plugins, 37% are from core WordPress and 11% are from WordPress themes