Do you own a WordPress site?If yes, then securing your website from cyber-attacks should be your top priority.Creating a WordPress site for your business is not a very difficult thing to do and it can significantly improve your business.However, having a website means you are prone to the several cyber vulnerabilities out there. Hence, the need for you to have a WordPress website security. [sqcta text="
Why is WordPress Security Important?" type="header" color="black" size="33px"]Undoubtedly, nobody likes to be bothered by website and information security issues. With the evolution of technology, keeping your website safe is becoming a more difficult task. Hackers are always looking for websites with vulnerable security to exploit. The latest WordPress software offers the most security fixes. However, using an up-to-date version of WordPress doesn’t mean your website is safe from hackers. There are several other WordPress vulnerabilities that can be exploited.[sqcta text="According to a recent report by, of the
3,972 known WordPress security vulnerabilities:
52% are from WordPress
37% are from
core WordPress and
11% are from WordPress
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