
WordPress Security Statistics 2020

According to W3Techs, a service run by Austrian consulting firm Q-Success  (that surveys the top 10 million sites ranked on Alexa): "WordPress is used by 41% of all the websites, that is a content management system market share of 64.7%." Their repor ...

wordpress vulnerability detector

10 Free WordPress Vulnerabilities Detectors Online

Studies reveal that most of the WordPress websites stay on the prime target for hackers. If you stop being careful about your website security, you can be their next preference. Therefore it is essential to maintain a routine check on website vulnerabilities so that you can stay aware of all the loopholes and can protect your online platform from hackers.Below we have highlighted 10 Free WordPress Vulnerabilities Detectors Online. Hope these details will help you to maintain your website secure:...

How to Initiate a Brute Force Attack Prevention Process

With WordPress running almost one third of the world’s websites, hackers have found an amazing pool to work through.What makes WordPress vulnerable?Well, security breaches in WP themes and plugins could be one reason. Even a very small vulnerability found in a WordPress install can expose millions of websites.If you check Sucuri Website, you can see only a small amount of the security problems reported daily.[sqcta text="43 percent of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses -  Symantec Report" type="blockquote"  author_link ="https://www.symantec.com/content/dam/symantec/docs/infographics/istr-attackers-strike-large-business-en.pdf" author="Symantec Report" color ="yellow"]Are you using WordPress?Then, you definitely need to pay extra care on your business....
Wordpress Security Hacks

10 Fast and Easy WordPress Security Hacks You Need to Implement Today

If you are currently running a WordPress website, without focusing on keeping your site code secure, you may be exposed to some serious problems.It’s very important to know that WordPress security is not automatic.If you check the WordPress Attack Report (October 2017) provided by Wordfence, you will certainly start thinking of ways to protect your WordPress blog/site. Also keep in mind that, in December 2017, WordPress websites were under highest brute force attack.2018 is the time for a consistent focus on digital protection. ...
best cloud hosting

7 Best Cloud Hosting Providers 2018

Cloud hosting is the best solution for the startup small business, which provide the best cloud hosting services at very cheap cost. Hosted platforms are a subset of cloud computing that let you virtually set up technologies such as servers, web apps, databases storage, virtual network and more.It’s provide hosting solution for websites on virtual servers. You can use this anytime anywhere, your data has been secured with backup facilities. Cloud hosting service provider is the best for your startup.There are different kinds of hosting services such as shared hosting, dedicated hosting and Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting. As your need choose the service of provider....
Screenshot 2018-03-06 11.43.06

Top WordPress Visual Design Plugins

Visual content is essential to web design on our days, you'll probably want to further improve your site images. Fortunately, WordPress offers thousands of plug-ins that enhance images, add visual effects, and allow any beginner to perform actions that would otherwise require additional technical knowledge.To save you from research time, we've selected the most effective and most used 36 plug-ins for visual design:...

5 Best WordPress Cache Plugins For 2018

Having a slow-loading website can have repercussions for both your search engine ranking as well as the user experience.This is why you have to opt for the best Wordpress cache plugins, as they will enable you to store recently used information on your visitor’s hard drive.As a result, all time-consuming elements will be stored offline on the user’s drive, and he will have a much faster loading time. In order to do this, you will have to focus on using the right Wordpress cache plugins.Before you start using this type of plugin, you should check the website speed to see what you have to work with at this time. https://tools.pingdom.com/ and https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ are two great sites that will help you solve this issue fast and with little to no effort....
wordpress facebook pixel plugin

5 Best Facebook Pixel WordPress Plugins

Any promising business needs to find the right way to build an audience and generate more conversions. So you always have to find some new, creative ways to harness the power of your website and social presence. This is where Facebook Pixel steps in. What makes Facebook Pixel special is the fact that this is a piece of code you can add on your site.[sqcta text="

What does Facebook Pixel do?

" type="header"  color="gray" size="18px"]Facebook Pixel allows you to report conversions and build audiences. This is how you get to find out important information about how your customers use the website, what pages visit the most and so on.Facebook Pixel does a lot more than that. It can measure the cross-device conversions and it makes it very easy to see how customers are moving between the devices they convert from. With Facebook Pixel, you also have the opportunity to optimize the delivery to people as you see fit. You can go ahead and create audiences for retargeting, custom audiences that will most likely add to cart and purchase....

4 Reasons Why You Need To Be Using Google Tag Manager

Google nowadays pretty much rules the Internet, and so it’s not surprising to learn that there are countless businesses all over the world, using Google to help them get ahead.Whereas in the early days, Google was purely to be used as a search engine, years later, and Google is now an incredibly efficient marketing tool.Not only do we have Google analytics, but now we are also fortunate to have Google Tag Manager, and it is this which we’ll be focusing on below....